5 Features That Prove AmbiPlatforms Is A Powerhouse For Virtual Live Events

People weren’t crazy when they envisioned a world of virtual live events interactions. They did not joke when they shared that the future would be virtual. Take any pop culture reference or science-fiction novels and movies, for instance, all you will find are interface-less interactions and virtual engagements. 

What was considered futuristic and improbable is now a reality. While the world started witnessing the power of virtual interactions and events from the start of the decade, it needed further credibility in terms of convincing people that physical interactions need not be necessary at all times. A push was required to shout to the world that virtual meetings and events are as impactful as their physical counterparts. 

And then due to unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances, the world embraced virtual events and conventions after grappling with a global pandemic. Now, there’s a newborn realization that people need not be in the same physical room to achieve things. Even being in the same virtual room will do the job and perhaps more. 

This is where AmbiPlatforms comes in with its dynamic platform for virtual live events. Designed for corporate and enterprise requirements, we are the most premium virtual event service providers in the space that you need to transform all your physical meetings into virtual live events

So, no matter if your ambitions are sky high as Dubai Expo or humble, we have the most ideal tech infrastructure you need to conduct seamless virtual sessions. 

How? Let’s take a look at our features and functionalities. 

5 Insane Features Of AmbiPlatforms

Virtual Booths

Remember how kiosks in physical conventions and events had their own unique space for personal interactions among guests and businesses? These spaces were dedicated to discussing meetings, pricing and quotes, strategies, appointments, and more. If you’ve ever felt that the virtual space was too cluttered to have a reassuring one-to-one interaction with a stakeholder, understand that AmbiPlatforms is built for seamless one-on-one conversations. 

We call it Virtual Booths, where you can set up and manage unique spaces for dedicated interactions. Make your online event more impactful and interactive with this feature and optimize your sales funnel through guaranteed conversions. 

A Versatile Platform

AmbiPlatforms is designed for all kinds of events, conventions and trade fairs. The user interface and the backend build allow us to be flexible and show compatibility with an event of any type and scale. It does not matter if you intend to conduct a specialized training or upskilling session for a small batch of your sales team or if you intend to have a grand product launch, our platform is ready for deployment. 

To give you a better idea, here are all the different types of sessions you can conduct on AmbiPlatforms:

  • Promotional events
  • Specialized corporate events
  • Consumer events
  • Trade fairs
  • Conventions
  • Meetups and reunions
  • Dealers, sales or association meetings
  • Training seminars and workshops
  • Guest lectures
  • Full-fledged conferences and expos and more

Speaking Sessions And Keynote Events

We understand that conducting a meeting will demand sessions such as workshops and keynote events. This is when you need to dedicate ample time out of your agenda to experts and specialists to share their expertise with attendees. 

With physical events, this seems simpler because we’ve been there and done that. When it comes to virtual events, there is bound to be confusion and a little learning curve in terms of setting up virtual spaces and calendar time. 

This is completely eliminated by the impeccable UI of AmbiPlatforms. With us, you can easily conduct keynote events, speeches, seminars, and more and have your audiences assembled at the exact time you intend to start your sessions. 

With the interface, attendees can also interact with guests in a non-interrupting way by using the dedicated buttons offered to them. This amplifies engagement. 

Live Streaming

The power of virtual sessions lies in the fact that there is literally no limit to the number of people who can attend them. There are no restrictions in terms of real estate or physical space, congestion, geographical barriers, and more. The internet is one and when you combine the force with AmbiPlatforms, you have the power to reach millions through our built-in live streaming modules.

With the feature, you can take your sessions and meetings live on your social media channel, YouTube, or other 3rd party channels you partner with. Our backend is built to manage massive volumes of traffic so you don’t have to worry about lags or downtimes. 

Dedicated Networking Space

The most impactful moments in events and conventions are the 30 or 40 minutes of networking time after sessions. This is the time businesses meet new businesses and land offers and clients. This is when interactions happen, conversations become more intense and everyone’s in a spirit to capitalize on the few minutes they have with them. 

This is the space we offer on our virtual platform as well. We totally understand the power of networking and that’s why we have dedicated an entire module to facilitate networking and foster an environment of growth and progress among attendees. The networking space allows attendees to virtually interact with others, introduce themselves and their businesses, share their portfolios, get contact details and do all they would in physical meetings. 

And did we tell you that networking is private?

Wrapping Up

These aren’t the only features you get to experience when you conduct virtual live events on AmbiPlatforms. We have strategically thought modules such as attendees management, roles and permissions assignment, contact list management, exhibitor login, and more for a sophisticated convention experience. 

We urge you to use the platform and see how you can seamlessly conduct your events on AmbiPlatforms. Feel free to get in touch with us with your requirements and we will be happy to give you a walkthrough of the portal and show the benefits. Once you’ve witnessed the platform’s potential, you would understand why we are one of the leading virtual event service providers in the US. 

Call us today. 

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